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Workers’ Compensation

If you are injured while at work, you should be aware that you may qualify for a special kind of benefit through your employer. Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance that businesses use to compensate employees who have been injured on the job. In order to be found eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits, you must have incurred an injury or illness while in the scope of your employment. Benefits available under Workers Compensation are two-fold. First, the worker can receive compensation for the income or salary he/she has lost or will lose as a result of not being able to perform his/her usual work duties due to injury or illness. Second, workers compensation insurance will cover the cost of any/all relevant medical care that is needed to treat the employee’s work injury or illness.

Why do you need an attorney?

Many employers will attempt to take advantage of injured workers, in a number of ways, including improperly denying the worker’s injury claim, undervaluing the claim for medical treatment or wage loss benefits or attempting to force the injured employee to return to work before he/she has fully recovered. In order to protect your rights, you need an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to guide you through the complicated and oftentimes inequitable workers’ compensation process. If you have suffered a work injury, please contact experienced Pennsylvania workers’ compensation attorney Geraldine Linn, Esquire, in our Pottstown office, to discuss your options and how we can assist you.