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Nursing Home Negligence

Nursing home negligence is most often the result of inadequate staffing. Employees who are stressed or overworked may not be able to provide the quality of care necessary to keep an elder healthy and happy. In one study of a 2,000-patient facility, only 5% of respondents had never experienced or witnessed neglect.

What are some of the signs of nursing home negligence?

  1. Bruises, skin teras, broken bones and other unexplained injuries
  2. Bedsores also called pressure ulcers
  3. Dehydration
  4. Hygiene issues
  5. Improper medications either being given incorrectly or conflicting medications or excessive side effects

What are the consequences to the patient of a nursing home who experiences negligence?

  1. Hygiene consequences (body odor, unclean clothes)
  2. Potential Health consequences (always sick, weight loss and/or malnutrition, and fatigue)
  3. Social & Emotional consequences (personality changes, depression, insomnia or suicidal thoughts or actions.)
  4. In severe cases of negligence, even death can occur.

Due to severe consequences of elder neglect, it is critical that all cases of neglect be reported. This helps preserve the health and safety of the patient and it demands the nursing facility to improve their practices for all residents.

How do you prevent neglect?

  1. Believe your loved ones. Never dismiss their complaints – look into them.
  2. Carefully review the nursing homes facility. Look for understaffing and unsanitary living conditions.
  3. Regularly contacting loved one. Visit or telephone often. That way you can check on the patient’s mood. When visiting, you can check for any signs of inadequate hygiene or malnutrition.
  4. Watch for signs of abuse or neglect.

Report Neglect

It is very, very important that you take action right away when you suspect neglect. You can contact local law enforcement, call adult protective services, social services works and of course, contact . One of their professional attorneys will speak with you to review the details and help you make the necessary changes to help your loved one.