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Dispelling common child custody myths

As a family law practitioner, I get many of the same questions from anxious parents regarding what to expect in their custody cases. When a couple decides to get divorced, it creates a very stressful time for all involved but I have found that the greatest source of...

Do I Have Rights as a Pregnant Person in the Workplace?

Maintaining a work-life throughout pregnancy can present many challenges for a woman from morning sickness to back pain to frequent doctor’s appointments. Missing hours at work may leave you concerned over your job’s safety. There are some rights to which you would be...

Do I Need an Attorney for my Divorce?

In my family law practice, I hear the same question all the time from clients: why, if my spouse and I “agree on everything,” would we need to hire a divorce attorney? The answer is multifaceted but, in a nutshell,, you definitely want an experienced professional to...

Divorce: Whether to go at it alone…and whose fault is it?

Word on the street is that Pennsylvania is a “No-fault” divorce state, but what does that mean? For practical purposes, it means that instead of having to allege one spouse committed adultery, made the other spouse’s life intolerable through personal indignities,...