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Special Orders Don’t Upset Us

by | Sep 17, 2020 | Firm News

Life and things in general seem to be more complicated than it needs to be.

At Rick Stock we have all kinds of people with all kinds of views and outlooks.  All of us have a common goal and that goal is to serve you our clients to the best of our abilities while doing it in a client friendly manner.  Legal matters may be complex and complicated, respect, common sense and customer service are not.  We are here for you and we will work to serve you in a way that meets your needs.  We will never impose our ways on you.

At Rick Stock, I am the Dinosaur, I am the cantankerous eccentric who is a bit skeptical about placing blind faith in technology.  At Rick Stock we work with clients in the way that best meets their needs.  Some people love technology and want to have Zoom meetings, utilize email, voice mail and online tools (wonderful and we have and utilize all cutting-edge technologies).  Other people wish to call us and have a live human being answer the phone.  Yes, we do this.  Yes, we answer the phone and we will always be responsive to your needs in your way.

Things do not have to be as complicated as they sometimes become.  Sometimes the old way is the best way.  As I write this Blog, my biggest struggle is that what had been a so simple tool in Microsoft Word all of a sudden is a huge “Pain in the A…………..”.  Remember when we had that nice simple spell check Icon that has gone away…………………?

Well, we remember, you are the customer, we will keep things as simple and easy as possible for you.  Simple and easy also tends to be cost effective for your and for us.  We are cost conscious and we are cost effective, being cost effective allows us to deliver to you our client high quality services at an affordable price.

Our goal is to do things well, in a timely fashion and at a cost that is within your means.  We are here for you, we understand that we are in the service business and that we serve you, as the old Burger King slogan says, “Special Orders Don’t Upset Us”.

We Mean It!